company secretarial services
We work closely with our related business, cdPlus Corporate Services, which provides our clients with in-depth company secretarial services with a particular focus on that client’s legal requirements.
Our clients engage cdPlus to fulfil the role of company secretary, including to...
- provide a qualified and practising corporate and commercial lawyer to act as company secretary and provide all statutory and best practice corporate secretarial services;
- coordinate, attend and advise on monthly Board and Committee Meetings and shareholder meetings, including: preparation of agendas, board papers and minutes in compliance with all legal, regulatory and best practice requirements;
- provide company secretarial assistance to the various IPO advisors to assist with IPO preparations, including due diligence requirements, satisfying ASX admission conditions and shareholder communications;
- liaise with shareholders, ASX, ASIC, share registry and brokers on its behalf in respect of all company secretarial matters; and
- establish, maintain and advise on corporate governance policies and best practice recommendations.